"Laws just changed. After the Emmett Till case, blacks, well, like the fear starting leaving, said, they're going to kill us anyway. When they found out that the casket was open here, they was in trouble. So they wanted to find out, why, who?" (Hudson-Weems, 138).
Hudson-Weems, Clenora. Emmett Till: The Sacrificial Lamb of the Civil Rights Movement. Bloomington, Indiana : Author House, 2006. Print.
Added by Emmett Till on June 14, 2013 at 7:10am — No Comments
Dear Mom,
How is everybody? I hope you and Jean is fine. I hope you'll had a nice trip. I am having a fine time will be home next week. Please have my motor bike fixed for me (pay you back). If I get any mail put it up for me. I am going to see Uncle Crosby Saturday. Everybody here is fine and having a good time. Tell Aunt Alma hello. (out of money)
Your son
ContinueAdded by Emmett Till on June 13, 2013 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments
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