By the year of 1916, at the age of 19, I had dropped out of high school. I never earned my diploma. "I got a whole lot better aquainted with a hoe handle than I did with books......." Brimner , Larry. Black and White: The Confrontation between Reverend Fred L. Shuttleworth and Eugene "Bull" Connor. Honesdale, Pennsylvania : Calkins Creek , Print, p.42
I started off as a railroad operator, then to sportscaster, then to commissioner of public safety in Birmingham, Alabama. Once I had the fire and police departments in my hand, "Bomingham", was in my control.
Brimner , Larry. Black and White: The Confrontation between Reverend Fred L. Shuttleworth and Eugene "Bull" Connor. Honesdale, Pennsylvania : Calkins Creek , Print, p.43
Primary Sources:
"Bull Connor." History Learning Site . (2013): n. page. Print.
Brimner , Larry. Black and White: The Confrontation between Reverend Fred L. Shuttleworth and Eugene "Bull" Connor. Honesdale, Pennsylvania : Calkins Creek , Print
Mr. Connor,
How do you feel about baseball. (Hint - Google your name and the keyword baseball)
Do you have any additional profile information?
I don't care what you have to say. You are racist and it is your choice, I respect it even though it's a stupid choice. But not everyone in this world is intelligent, as your comments clearly show. I will not lower myself to your level (which is definitely rock bottom) by saying disrespectful things, but I will say this. One day my race will be treated equal to your race and people will think of me as a hero, and you as a monster.
You said my race won't get equality for as long as you live? Well it is a good thing that you are OLD AS HELL and probably will die soon in the near future. I don't think that waiting for you to die will be so bad, seeing how old you already are.
Watch my video, see what happens when you talk to me like your an actual human being, when your not.
I wish we could just all of these blacks back to where ever they came from. Don't you agree?
Mr. Connor,
You said, "like your an actual human being, when your not." You are demonstrating to the world that you never graduated from high school because you used the wrong "your." You meant, "you're," which is short for "you are."
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